Most people don’t really think too much about the chimney in their home, especially people who have an older home. They may feel that the chimney has been able to function properly for the last 60 years and there is no reason for it to fail them now. However, if you ask any professional about your chimney, they may surprise you with the things they can show you.
For instance, an old chimney may not be up to code. The reason for codes to be in place is to keep you safe. Most old chimneys do not have linings in them and this can be an easy way for carbon monoxide to get inside of your home, even though the chimney is free of blockages. Linings in newer chimneys ensure that there is no carbon monoxide leaking in through the walls of your home and it also ensures a more efficient heat.
Most older chimneys are also made purely of brick and mortar. This is effective and it looks great, but brick and mortar are not without issues. These chimneys are likely to crumble and have damage that is not easily seen. If you don’t repair it, it could easily collapse and cause your family a lot of trouble. It will also be a massive job to repair at that point and cost could add up very quick.
If you live in an old home with a chimney or you purchase an older home that was build 60 years ago or more, the chimney could be a constant issue for you to deal with until it is repaired the right way. It is very important to have it inspected thoroughly by a professional who specializes in chimneys. Even if it does simply need a good cleaning, any money that you spend now will be money well spent.
Summer is a great time to take care of it and fall is an even better choice. The reason for this is because during the spring you may have birds building nests inside of the chimney. You may have fall leaves filling it up, especially if your chimney cap is not covering the chimney right. In either situation, you stand a better chance of fixing it effectively if you have it checked before winter time strikes again.