Most people put off having someone repair their chimney because they do not see the point of it. Others know that it should be done and choose not to because they feel that it is going to cost more than they can afford.  In both cases, you could be risking a lot more damages if you fail to handle it before it becomes a major problem. As an added bonus, having a chimney repaired costs less than you expect, provided you handle it now rather than wait.
If you have an older chimney, you risk a lot of added costs by not taking care of its issues as they show up. For instance, a chimney that was put up more than 60 years ago may not be up to code for your area. The codes and regulations for chimneys are there because so many people have lost their homes and have suffered health issues because of the way chimneys use to be made. Most do not have the inner lining which prevents carbon monoxide from coming into the home. These old chimneys also may crack and then you will be losing heat. If a crack is near the exterior wall of your home, it could get too hot and lead to a house fire. The potential of very bad issues is high with an older chimney. Therefore, you will spend a lot more money if you have to deal with the other issues.
Even if you are unable to see damage on your chimney, which happens often in the newer homes, you still are not out of the woods. Homes and chimneys both can settle over time. As a chimney settles it becomes weaker and cracks may form. This can lead to cracks forming and as this happens your chimney also loses its strength to stand. Eventually, you could develop a crack that is large enough or have enough of them form in one area to cause the chimney to fall. It is a lot easier and cost effective to have someone fix the crack rather than have them rebuild your entire chimney.
Which would you prefer? Would you rather spend a couple hundred to improve your chimney now or wait to have it cost you thousands of dollars? The choice is simple for most people. They realize it can save you from worrying about it later.