Everyone has been there. Walk into a public bathroom, maybe in one of your favorite stores, and immediately you just want to walk back out. Paper towels strewn all over the floors, Soap and water dripping from the edge of the counter near a messy sink. It’s almost overwhelming how messy it is, and who knows how much bacteria resides there. As a customer, you never want to walk into this. But sometimes, as a business owner, your bathrooms may have such high traffic, it becomes almost impossible to keep it from getting this way. This is why a great alternative to most of your current bathroom accessories may be to switch to completely automatic, stainless steel, sensor activated bathroom equipment. Not only will keeping things clean be easier, you’ll have to worry about less bacteria swapping hands if customers never have to touch anything in the bathroom to begin with.

First, the biggest mess maker in any bathroom is the problem with paper towels not quite making it to the trash can. It is something your maintenance team deals with constantly. This can be resolved by simply eliminating paper towels all together. Instead of using them, switch to a stainless-steel hand dryer. Not only is stainless steel easy to keep clean, you also save on the trees required to make these paper towels. And since they’re sensor activated, customers don’t have to touch a dispenser or the hand dryer, and their hands stay clean after they’ve just washed them.

To tackle the soap and water dripping onto and perhaps spilling over the countertop, automatic dispensers and faucets will help. Not only are they cleaner, but ecofriendly, and financially friendly for your business as well. An automatic soap dispenser keeps people from using more soap than they really need. It dispenses a predetermined amount of soap each time the sensor is activated. An automatic faucet is more efficient than a regular faucet; means you’ll be saving on soap, and also on your water bill. The fact that it helps to keep your bathroom cleaner is only an added advantage. And your customers will be much happier with a bathroom in which they don’t have to worry about bacteria getting on their hands.

So, for the sake of your customers, your business, and your pocket, switching to an efficient, clean, touch free setup in your bathroom accessories Singapore are the best way to make sure everyone stays happy, comfortable, and healthy.